Whether we are talking about the local PTO or examining the details of our federal government, the answer to one question will tell us a great deal about what we can expect from the organization we are studying. Who is going to run it? What skills do they have? What kind of character do they exhibit? How is their track record? Who are they accountable to and how? If it exists, somebody is going to call the shots.
A case in point is our federal government. For years there have been those who say the federal government should be running more and more of both the country and our daily lives. When the federal government obtained the power to tax individual citizens, a major shift occurred in America. Was there an evil intent – I have no clue. But now this taxation is run by the feds instead of the states. What kind of agenda is being promoted? Are high standards of ethics being exhibited? If the states had the power, they would need to be accountable as well. Know this – it is much easier to regulate states than to regulate this massive fed that has been created. Each requires diligent oversight. I could give you a list to boggle your mind of governmental agencies that have come about because of this type of thinking.
Here is an easy example to see – the federal government thought it could do a good job lending money. What was created – Fannie & Freddie. Can someone tell me why they still exist? When the economic crisis came, many said it was because capitalism and the free market failed. I say the free market did exactly what it was supposed to do. When the crooks, the inept, and the incompetent started making decisions, approving loans, and spending money – the system shut down. Thank God! The same thing will happen to you and me if we acted like that.
If your balance sheet showed say $100,000 in the red, would you just print more money if you had the power? Now our federal government has the ability to spend all this money and print it at the same time. Again I ask, what kind of people do you want running this thing?
Want another example? Now the feds want to run the insurance industry. Talk about a bureaucratic nightmare! Also, who wrote this 2300 page monstrosity that they had to pass so they could see what is in it? Who is anyone accountable to?
It is not just the federal government. Have you heard about all of these state officials with tremendous salaries and retirement packages? A number of these people have been named. My question is – did they set their own salary and retirement package? Don’t tell me some “board” set all this up. We need names if this foolishness is going to stop.
On the local level, a good scan of the budget is always helpful. The money that is spent on education is beyond belief – especially when you realize the money is going to the governmental school system. To say that it is going toward education might be a real stretch. Check on the people running the educational empire and the agenda of the National Education Association
In closing, I cannot tell you how many things that I and friends have dealt with lately that now require some type of license or permit. In doing some of your normal activities, do not be surprised one day if someone comes up and asks if you have a license or permit to do this activity. Will we read about your reaction in the paper or see your picture on the news?
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn (Proverbs 29:2).