From listening to our leaders in government, you would think that creating jobs is a national pastime - right up there with baseball. I would like to see any job that has been created. Can you send me a picture of one? Is it bigger than a breadbox? Do they come in different colors?
Now I realize that I am almost getting silly. But it is no more silly to me than a supposed intelligent person standing up and saying how many jobs we have created. I contend that no normal person would do such a thing. Someone might possibly consider it if they used someone else's money - well, like our government. If you had an extra $100,000, what would you say to someone who told you to take it and go create jobs with it? I hope you would not hire them. At best you might find something for someone to do and give them some money for doing it; but that is hardly creating a job.
The entrepreneurial spirit that made this country an economic powerhouse would take that money and produce goods and services that would meet needs, enhance the culture and neighborhood, and develop technology to do even more of this. You will need workers to do this; thus, the jobs wonderfully appear. But you did not sit down with your chalkboard and associates and declare "We've got to create some jobs!" That would definitely be getting the cart before the horse. Why is our government almost famous for doing this?
Now, if you were to get a big inheritance and decide to prove me wrong, would you be able to create a job that could sustain itself? In other words, would you have to keep pumping money into it so the person could keep doing the job you created? That would be insane - unless again you are using someone else's money. Any business person would know you will run up a tremendous debt and eventually go broke creating the jobs. Does $14 trillion dollars in debt ring a bell? Granted, that did not all come from people pretending to create jobs, but it did come from people that have this same kind of thinking.
I do not want someone creating a job for me. I want to take my God-given abilities and the skills I have learned and go out and produce. I want to be a blessing to others and demonstrate that "... Godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." This is what our young people especially should be learning in school - where many of these skills should be developed.
Finally, I realize that all of us may need help from time to time. I am all for giving help. It is one thing to help someone, it is another for them to live off of you. If you are one of those that just enjoy giving and giving with no accountability, perhaps I should move in with you and enjoy your hospitality. No - we help people in order to get them to a place where they can do the same for others.
Once again, if you do happen to create any type of job, I would love to see it and know how it is working out.