Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Most Important Question about Your Faith ~ Part I

I realize that I am out on a limb by saying I will pose the most important question. That premise could certainly be argued. However I believe the question is certainly critical - especially in this day and time. Think of all the titles and distinctions that are out there. From a religious standpoint, we could go from:

Presbyterian to Pentecostal

Atheist to Amish to Anglican to Armstrongism to Agnostic

Catholic to Confucianism

Hindu to Holy Roller to Hare Krishna

Jehovah's Witness to Jews for Jesus

Mormon to Methodist to Muslim to Mennonite

New Age to Neopaganism to non-denominational

Baptist to Buddhist

Christian to Chinese Folk

Scientology to Seventh Day Adventists

Unification to Eastern Mysticism to Wicca to We aren't really sure...

There are more labels and names to distinguish us than we can count. There so many things we can be. So here is that question very simply:

Whatever you be ... why be it?

There must be something that causes you to claim a certain label or declare a certain faith.
If you can answer that question, be assured more will be coming that could be tough:

Why should someone want to be of the faith you are?
You must consider what you believe is right, what is wrong with other beliefs?
Of what benefit is your faith?
Most people have a religious belief that is supposed to bring them good after they die - What do you have that others do not?

These should be very important questions to anyone whose faith is important to them. I think they are very heavy and serious.

All of these questions continue in my heart and mind and I have been dealing with them for a while. So I am just going to end this part I right here. This should be enough for anyone to consider for a few weeks.