Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Let Us Be Thankful

With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, what better time to remind ourselves to give thanks and appreciation to God and also to others for being a blessing to us. Throughout the Bible, we are constantly reminded to give thanks and be thankful. Even in our prayers, we are told to give thanks.

Philippians 4:6-7

6 Be careful for nothing (do not worry about anything); but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Have you ever known people who are thankful for everything? They are grateful for anything you do for them and readily express it. I know such people and they are a blessing to be around. They are also people who are very willing to do things for you. They understand sowing and reaping.

I have also known people whose vocabulary does not include a “thank you”. They believe all the world (you and I included) owes them. They seem to take it for granted that others are supposed to do for them. Being around them is generally not much fun.

In II Timothy chapter 3, it begins by talking about the last days and the perilous times that will come. In the list, verse 2 particularly; it says that people will be “unthankful”. It is interesting that this would be called “perilous”. If people are not thankful, perhaps they are the opposite – selfish! Think about having a selfish person in your home – that is not a lot of fun and eventually it will have to be confronted. Think of what a country full of selfish people would be like.

How much money or stuff is required in order to give thanks? Absolutely none! If it is one thing that anyone can do, it is the ability to give thanks. But really being thankful is a matter of the heart. When we realize the goodness of God in so many areas, thanksgiving should come out of its abundance in our hearts.

As Christians, the day of Thanksgiving should not be very different than any other day as far as giving thanks. But I do like the food and festivities! I believe it is great to have the holiday to remind our country of God and His goodness, and it should be a great teaching tool to all – especially our young people.

It has been noted that beyond thanks-giving, we should be thanks-living! That raises the standard up. That should certainly be our testimony and a demonstration of Christianity.

As I close, I give thanks, praise, and appreciation to God the Father, God the Son – Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit – three in one the blessed trinity. I thank God also for each one of you for being a part of my life. May you be blessed to be a blessing!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Something Fishy?

A few months ago, the White House supposedly wanted to know if anything fishy was going on regarding the President and his policies – were they being attacked or spoken against. Though I did not respond immediately, eventually I had to send him an email in all good conscience. The fishy stuff in my estimation was in regards to the statements and policies coming out of this administration.

I readily admitted that I did not know everything and certainly did not understand all of the complexities of government, foreign affairs, etc. that our country deals with. But I could find very little I could agree on based upon what is said in public by government officials in Washington. I did not want to list everything and make a 20 page letter that no one would want to read.

Beyond such a list, I see no call for righteousness regarding any of our elected officials. There is no emphasis on integrity, honesty, good character, or accountability. When this is not emphasized (or indeed demanded) the exact opposite starts showing up as many have noticed.

Remember Proverbs 14:34 – Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. As I discuss often with my history and government students, the nation is the people. Do not just point that verse at the “government”. It is righteousness that will exalt you and me. Likewise, sin will be a reproach to you and me.

This type of thinking needs to be on the minds of those making decisions - especially if they hope to have a chance of dealing wisely with the complexities that come before them. One glaring example is the Health Care Bill that recently passed the House – and what they passed that day (all the negotiation, compromising, and jockeying for position) may have little in common with any final bill passed by the entire Congress. (It may be no coincidence that the monstrosity is called a “bill”)

To help gain a perspective, what would you do with a 1,900+ page contract that was sent to you to sign for yourself and your family? You would want to know the nut job that came up with such lunacy. But there are those that signed right up for it with their vote for all of us in the country. It is entirely too massive for anyone to comprehend, explain, or likely to be paid for. What little I know of the details is really too tedious to write. Certainly we know some reform is needed, but a good bit could be taken care of with government oversight, competition, tort reform, etc. – but not government run.

A point I wanted to make with the President is that almost every decision that comes out of his White House is backwards from the decision I would make. I can understand differences of opinion and disagreement at times. But the decisions I see being made today defy common sense. Perhaps a political face has to be put out for the public and real governmental action is going on behind the scenes – but that might be seen as “two-faced” The PC (politically correct) way of doing things is really starting to look PC (politically corrupt). I can find few who can sensibly argue the opposite.

To just list a few of the areas:

ACORN: How many of our legislators spoke against what was exposed and today it was reported that they are going to sue the government over funds that were cut. I suppose they feel “entitled” to tax money. I can find little negative impact if that organization was abolished.

The UN: Why we continue to foot the biggest part of its expense, have to listen to the nonsense that some of the world leaders spew, and give any legitimacy the United Nothing is beyond me.

Afghanistan: The United States can win any war in Afghanistan. Now nation building - that is another thing entirely. The President should send a message loud and clear to the enemy in that country: We are going to win and you are going to lose, and say it loud enough for the bad guys in Pakistan as well. Make sure you are fighting a war – not doing a political dance.

The Stimulus & Healthcare – these have to be passed right away but the President cannot make a decision on Afghanistan. I am still waiting for the stimulus to stimulate anything someone can demonstrate

Fort Hood Attack – Whether this will be taken seriously as a Muslim terrorist attack remains to be seen.

Closing Gitmo – The prison seemed to work fine. No escapes, no one arguing about where to put them, and we seemed pretty safe. Now they are bringing them to the US for trial. I have little hope for this going well. We have been assured that the trial will serve to show the world the best of US justice system. It is possible that justice will be served, but I believe the world will likely see an American courtroom circus. Time will tell and I hope I am wrong.

Alternative Energy – Has anyone heard anything about that? I have heard not a peep – except we are warned that if we stood up to Iran that oil prices would go through the roof. I suppose we are still over the proverbial barrel. Where are all the politicians and their posturing about our need to get off of foreign oil? It just fizzled out.

I could go on and on but I hope you get the point. Some say we are making progress, but you can progress toward disaster, run off a cliff, or into a brick wall. If you think that is extreme rhetoric, check the extremities on the debt clock! In my writing to the White House, there is a box to check if a response is required – I checked this box. I also asked to President or staff to freely point out any mistakes I make or if I am off base. I have no reply. But I know they are busy – doing all this stuff that is difficult to explain.

Because I work with young people, I am often asked any advice I have for them. Beyond Christian values, good common sense, righteous character, and an awesome work ethic, I usually remind them of the Scripture where Peter is preaching to the multitude. He was speaking about salvation and the coming of the Spirit and then:

Acts 2:40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward (perverse) generation.

Amen!!! Save yourselves from this perverse (indeed heathen) generation. With all I have noted above, this mad dash toward heathenism that I see in this country is what troubles me the most.

To our government: Would all statesmen step forward and all politicians go find a real job!