Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Let Us Be Thankful

With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, what better time to remind ourselves to give thanks and appreciation to God and also to others for being a blessing to us. Throughout the Bible, we are constantly reminded to give thanks and be thankful. Even in our prayers, we are told to give thanks.

Philippians 4:6-7

6 Be careful for nothing (do not worry about anything); but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Have you ever known people who are thankful for everything? They are grateful for anything you do for them and readily express it. I know such people and they are a blessing to be around. They are also people who are very willing to do things for you. They understand sowing and reaping.

I have also known people whose vocabulary does not include a “thank you”. They believe all the world (you and I included) owes them. They seem to take it for granted that others are supposed to do for them. Being around them is generally not much fun.

In II Timothy chapter 3, it begins by talking about the last days and the perilous times that will come. In the list, verse 2 particularly; it says that people will be “unthankful”. It is interesting that this would be called “perilous”. If people are not thankful, perhaps they are the opposite – selfish! Think about having a selfish person in your home – that is not a lot of fun and eventually it will have to be confronted. Think of what a country full of selfish people would be like.

How much money or stuff is required in order to give thanks? Absolutely none! If it is one thing that anyone can do, it is the ability to give thanks. But really being thankful is a matter of the heart. When we realize the goodness of God in so many areas, thanksgiving should come out of its abundance in our hearts.

As Christians, the day of Thanksgiving should not be very different than any other day as far as giving thanks. But I do like the food and festivities! I believe it is great to have the holiday to remind our country of God and His goodness, and it should be a great teaching tool to all – especially our young people.

It has been noted that beyond thanks-giving, we should be thanks-living! That raises the standard up. That should certainly be our testimony and a demonstration of Christianity.

As I close, I give thanks, praise, and appreciation to God the Father, God the Son – Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit – three in one the blessed trinity. I thank God also for each one of you for being a part of my life. May you be blessed to be a blessing!

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